The Make Visual Novels! Smart Barks for Ren'Py is now available!

I've been working on this one for a bit.  This is our answer to the issues that come up with partial voice acting implementation in visual novels.  I'm going to cut through the japes and jokes for a second and get right to what this is about.  

Visual novels are at their best when they have voice acting in them.  Even partial voice acting adds a pretty massive amount of depth, as voice actors can take a line you wrote and deliver it in a way that completely redefines the moment (hopefully for the better.)  This should make it possible for you to assign key words and phrases spoken by your characters to various different audio files to create a dynamic experience for them and, ideally, a tedium free development process for you when you add partial voice acting.

The other thing I'm sure some folks are asking is "Why can't I download this without paying for it?"

Well, the main reason is that DevTalk paid 3 voice actors to compose lines to be included in this.  Voice acting isn't terribly expensive, in fact the set that we had produced cost less than $100 total, but those funds came out of DevTalk's coffers and I want to make sure we're making things that are not only transformative for its consumers(that's you devs,) but also helps DevTalk reach its goals.  

At $200, I'll make the pack free for everyone.  Our costs are covered and DevTalk will be able to take away a small sum for a future project or competition.  At $500, I'll add the features and tools I left out of this pack.   Stuff that can help you manage your  multitudes of voice files, whether you're doing partial or full, and a seperate feature that will surely delight your readers. At $1000, we'll arrange for a voice actor, singer, or other audio professional to participate in an upcoming speaker event.  

If you can't afford the $10 for the pack, consider telling other people about the pack so DevTalk can reach its goals and make it free, and in the mean time you can check out all of the other free packs we've put out..  If you can afford it, or afford more than the $10, feel free to contribute as much as you like.  I'm considering offer credits on the page for large contributors towards these three goals.

Get Make Visual Novels! Smart Barks for RenPy!

Buy Now$10.00 USD or more

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